To have sufficient financial resources to support oneself in Spain. The applicable minimum amount for 2023 are 2.400 euros per month for the main applicant, plus 600 euros per month for each family member.
All incomes must be passive incomes. Please note that with a non-lucrative residency it is possible to live in Spain, but you are not allowed to work (neither in Spain not abroad).
Clean criminal record.
Not to be in an irregular legal situation in Spain.
Health insurance issued in Spain with full coverage.
Proof of availability of a living place (title deed or rental agreement as example).
Medical certificate showing that the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness that would pose a threat to public health.
Eligible to apply with main applicant:
Spouse/partner, dependents (children and parents) part of the family
and depend financially from main applicant (students, retired).